Bullying Linked To More Suicide Attempts By Young Adolescents.

Being bullied may increase the risk of suicide attempts among young adolescents by approximately three times worldwide, according to a new study.

“Globally, approximately 67,000 adolescents die of suicide each year and identifying modifiable risk factors for adolescent suicide is a public health priority,” said lead author Ai Koyanagi, M.D., and research professor at Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu in Barcelona, Spain.

For the study, researchers used data collected through the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global School-based Student Health Survey, which is a school-based survey conducted in multiple countries across the globe.

The study included 134,229 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 15 from 48 countries across five WHO regions, including Africa, the Americas, the Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific. Read More