Flexible workplaces to improve employee mental health

Nearly 40% of people employed at flexible workplaces claim it has significantly improved in their mental health, Wildgoose survey finds.

Wildgoose − experts in team building and workforce morale − conducted a survey of workers aged 45 or under to ask their thoughts on flexible working. Employees from 114 companies from all backgrounds gave their answers anonymously. The results highlight the importance of flexible workplaces when it comes to the mental health of employees.

14.3% of employees not currently allowed to work flexibly indicated that they are actively considering a career move to an organisation that would offer them flexible working. This figure rises to 21% of parents in the same situation.

With 62% of employees taking days off in the past year for mental health reasons, many employers want to do more to support mental health in the workplace. Flexible working is well publicised, though employers should start by understanding why their employees want flexible working for a better work/life balance… Read More